Q: Will counseling or coaching be helpful to me?
A: Most people say that counseling is very helpful once they have given it a chance. It is relieving to have someone outside of your circle of friends and family to offer a more objective point of view and well-researched tools. Each of our therapists has been trained to listen and ask questions in helpful ways. If a client is a Christian, your therapist or coach can partner with you in prayer and offer Scriptural advice as well.
Also, our help should provide at least two things. First, it provides a safe place to talk over difficulties with someone with some experience helping people with their difficulties. Second, counseling generally adds some clarity about decision-making options and provides a healthy place to brainstorm ideas about what to try next. But sometimes counseling can do more.
For example, some will want to look into why they are reacting to current situations the way they are. Others may have specific disorders that are not easily managed. Some may have a pile-up of difficulties. Whatever the case, counseling can be tailored to your situation and together with your therapist, you can sort out the goals that will make counseling meaningful for you.
Q: When should someone receive counseling?
A: From childhood through late adulthood, there are certain times when we may need help addressing problems and issues that cause us emotional distress or make us feel overwhelmed. When you are experiencing these types of difficulties, you may benefit from the assistance of an experienced, trained professional. Professional counselors and coaches offer the caring, expert assistance that we often need during these stressful times. A counselor can help you identify your problems and assist you in finding the best ways to cope with the situation by changing behaviors that contribute to the problem or by finding constructive ways to deal with a situation that is beyond your personal control. (www.counseling.org)
Q: Do I have to be a Christian to receive services from Reflections?
A: No, in fact, our state-licensed therapists and certified coaches have been trained to serve clients from all walks of life, including those of secular backgrounds and other faith traditions.
Q: Do you recommend that I use insurance for paying for counseling?
A: Many health insurance policies have some coverage for outpatient mental health but most expect you to pay some of the costs for counseling. To find out the details of your coverage, you should call your insurance carrier. They should be able to tell you exactly what they cover. If you are still unsure, you may want to call our office. One of our office staff can look into it further for you. It’s not always easy to get clear answers about coverage but we will do all we can to help you find out what you need to know.
One obvious concern about using that benefit is privacy. Many health benefits are administered through your company’s Personnel or Human Resource Department. Some clients might be concerned about how their companies handle personal information, especially regarding mental health.
Another area of concern for some people is the paper trail when it comes to filling out applications for life, health, or disability insurance. They might be uncomfortable for an insurance company to have a record of their treatment.
We cannot advise you regarding your decision to use or not use your insurance benefit. We provide this information as a way for you to be informed of what might be involved in that decision. At Reflections, we do not do billing for insurance companies or provide paperwork, but we do offer reduced rates for those who are in need.
Q: Do I have to miss work to come?
A: All of our therapists and coaches have some evening and/or weekend hours available for appointments. When you call or use our handy online calendar to schedule an appointment, we will try to match you with a therapist or coach who is in your insurance plan and is available when you can attend.
Q: What do you think about the use of medication for the treatment of my psychological symptoms?
A: Medications can be a useful tool in the treatment of certain disorders but must be used cautiously and carefully. If you are going to utilize medication, we want you to be fully comfortable with what your medication can and cannot do for you. While we do not currently have any clinicians who prescribe medications, when warranted, we are glad to work closely with your physician or we can recommend an MD to help you navigate around any medication questions or issues you may have.
Q: Is the counseling or coaching I receive confidential?
A: All of our therapists are licensed and therefore are bound by a code of ethics that limits the disclosure of any information to any outside person or entity without your express written consent. The limits of confidentiality are detailed on a sheet you will receive at your first appointment. If you have questions about this issue, feel free to discuss it with your therapist at any time.
Q: How much will counseling or coaching cost? How long will it last?
A: Fees vary somewhat per therapist and coach and we have a la carte session by session rates or monthly packages. If you have questions about how the money part works these issues can be talked over with our staff before making your first appointment. Many issues can be solved in only a few sessions, while others take longer to get a handle on. Reflections Counseling therapists are bound by ethical codes that keep us intent on helping you solve your problems in a time-honoring and cost-effective treatment planning way that you are comfortable with.