Just Your Type: How to Thrive in Relationships Using Personality Types and More!
What’s all the hype about type? Everybody is talking about the Enneagram and other personality tests these days. In Just Your Type you will learn about how to use these tests and tools to thrive in your relationship and family. We don’t just focus on one great tool here. We include background, temperament, brain differences, codependency, date night tips, and so much more! Each of our ten modules uniquely helps you to use your gifts and to live with God’s best for you and your most important relationships in mind.

RELATE: A Guide to Marriage & Relationship Repair
Every couple needs tools, direction, and encouragement for dealing with the issues of life together. RELATE will help you bring the love, respect, and fun back into your relationship! In RELATE, you will learn to: R – Recharge Your Romance, E – Energize Your Love Life, L – Laugh Together, A – Accept Differences, T – Transform Through Trials, and E – Engage One Another. As a RELATE couple, you will learn to communicate your needs, to find romance, and to get excited about your spouse and your marriage!
“The RELATE workbook and Christa’s guidance helped us to rebuild, renew and recapture our goals for ourselves and one-another…This was, and always will be, one of the greatest moments in our young, but promising, marriage. Thank you, Christa.” – Ryan & Kortney

RELEASE: A Couple’s Growth Workbook
“What I love are the practical exercises at the end of each chapter which help us to grow together as a couple and be released to become the husband and wife we were meant to be.” – Suzette

Messy Buns and Cartwheels: A Devotional for Busy Moms
“Pick this book up. You won’t regret it! Christa Hardin did a beautiful job writing this – Messy Buns and Cartwheels is the perfect way to start or end your day as a mom.💜”
– Lauren K, Beautiful Mess owner/blogger

The Overflowing Life: An Essential Life-Hack for the Overwhelmed and Overloaded
“I am on step 7 in your new book, The Overflowing Life, and had to stop to tell you how much I love it!”
– Dr. Sharon Otis, Psychologist

Love Notes: A Marriage Communication Guide

Online tests to explore your strengths and areas for growth!

ststan Hi, I’m Christa Hardin, the owner and director of Reflections Counseling and Coaching Center! I started Reflections on the Suncoast after a decade of being a clinical therapist in both the Chicago area & Michigan. It's always been my dream to have a multi-faceted center where individuals can find wellness, inspiration and healing, and where my staff and I can reflect the love of Christ. It's amazing to have a dream come true and I don't take that lightly. I continue to be inspired by the brave couples and individuals who I am privileged to work with and love helping them to cross the finish line of their dreams again and again.
I am SO thankful for my roots from EMU, Wheaton College, and AACC, where I have majored in communication (Bachelor's Degree, EMU), psychology (Bachelor's Degree, EMU), Clinical Psychology (Master's degree, Wheaton) and coaching (AACC). I did an independent study on marriage in graduate school of couples and their attachment styles. I continue to learn from and integrate practice from the very best places in the world of family systems thinkers, brain research, and marriage and wellness research at large. I take the Bible, God's word, as my ultimate source for inspiration and wisdom in all I do.
Out of my training and experience from working over a decade with couples came my R & R Relationship Repair program. This program is especially designed for those individuals who are committed to one another and who want improvement in their marriages. I don't diagnose or condemn others for their flaws (we are all growing!) but instead I become a student of both their strengths and areas for growth and find creative and strategic ways to help them to thrive as both individuals and as a couple. I have poured my research and passion into the R & R program and it's time effective, fun, and results-oriented!
Many of my clients have worked with me via individual a-la-carte sessions but I also offer monthly program where you can get more time with me so you can get relief much faster. This is especially helpful for those don't have the time to meet in person or aren't local since most of the time I do this program via phone or e-sessions. If you're looking for a good fit for your personality (totally important), personally, I am warm, friendly, nurturing and creative, and the rarest Enneagram personality type, the thinking Enneagram 7. I love laughing and being silly but also love going deep with people. In many of my couples sessions, my clients reflect on their deepest joys and sorrows, recognize their unhealthy patterns, and commit to trying out the new ideas we come up with together. This simple pattern allows for trusted growth with every step.
I also offer webinars for those who enjoy the teaching format via video. If you want to work with me on a monthly basis for a coaching program, I have limited slots available and am now accepting new clients! See our marriage coaching page for the details! For in-person work with me, you can complete our availability form below!
If you prefer reading, check out my books, RELATE: A Guide to Marriage and Relationship Repair and RELEASE: A Couple's Growth Workbook, my mother's devotional Messy Buns and Cartwheels, and for individuals, my e-book, The Overflowing Life: A Life Hack for the Overwhelmed & Overloaded also on Amazon.
Who am I behind the scenes? Well, I grew up in Detroit with three wonderful siblings (although we didn't think so then!) and two parents who were educators. My father had an MA in English Lit and instilled in me a love for writing and my mother was an elementary teacher and stay at home mother later, doing an awesome job even while dealing with mental health issues. Her strength and recovery inspired me to get into this field, to reduce stigma and to lend hope where there is none.
I am a huge Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and Tolkien/Lewis lover and I love reading any of these authors again and again to glean from their incredible human studies and characterization. With my husband and friends, I love having intellectual and philosophical conversations but relationships and laughter are at the top of the list too of course! My guilty pleasure is to read classic children's books for fun also! All three of my kids even have middle names from English Literature characters.
For the day-to-day pleasure, I love baking and teaching my children, writing, podcasting, and I read almost non-stop.
Although I love living in a shire near the beach with my family, I am a major city girl at heart! A day in New York or Chicago is always welcome to me, and don’t get me started on how much I love mountains or Michigan in the Fall.
Well, now that you know all about me, I’d love to learn more about you! Looking forward to living life intentionally with you! Contact us here to set up with Christa or her team!