There aren’t words to say how wonderful it feels to be given compassion and care.
When you’re thirsty and someone gives you a drink…
When you’ve had a long day and someone gives you a loving massage or back rub…
Or when you’re scared and someone takes time to give you soothing words.
It affords you the gift of healing love and touch through God’s people, just like He designed…
And since we know it is, after all, more blessed to give than to receive, it’s also great when you’re the giver…
Most of the time.
Let’s be honest, some days it’s simply hard.
Perhaps your child kept you awake all night…
You’re feeling the trauma of the one you’re helping…
You have a migraine…
Or your 55 hour workweek just decided to catch up with you…
It happens.
And I’m here to tell you today that you don’t have to feel guilty if you need to take a step back for a bit on a regular basis.
In fact, there are an awful lot of needs in this big world. And even those of us who have grand plans of helping to save the world can’t always keep up.
Thankfully God can.
And He does remind us of several ways we can chill and take a time out when we’re feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders.
If you’re in a position of overdoing this week or season, here are 3 Tips for Avoiding Compassion Fatigue.
1. Take some time to literally pray this prayer aloud, from Matthew 11:28-29, “Come to me all you who weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon me and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart.”
2. VIsualize yourself giving your heaviest burdens to God. Imagine each of them in boxes or piles and take a whole 5 minutes to breathe deeply, putting them in the Lord’s capable hands, at least for a few moments while you rest from your journey.
3. Check your daily schedule to see if you’ve got time to eat nourishing meals, to get a decent night of sleep, to rest aching bones or joints a bit (or to exercise them) and to enjoy at least a few moments of quiet pleasure. If not, it’s time to start pruning (John 15:2). Take some good things out of your schedule so you can once again grow and thrive and grow up in God’s direction…
Not in every direction, wayward and wild!
Love Living Life Intentionally With You,
Christa and the Reflections Staff