Care. This is a time show your friends/family you care about them and to write someone quarantining (maybe for the second round) a letter or send them a small gift, this is a time to share Christ, this is a time to make sure you call your people and to actively pray for them. Show care around others who want social distance. Minister. If you know the Lord, it’s a time to be ministers of reconciliation, a time to pray, and it’s to encourage those in pain or aching emotionally or physically, to sit with them, if your own health allows, maybe even with an uncomfortable mask because they’re fearful. This is a time to show compassion and to remember you don’t know their journey as well as they do. Love. It’s a time to offer forgiveness, and a time to get to know God better and to follow Him (I know it’s always that time ) Refresh. Everyone needs to take care of themselves mentally also right now also. Don’t overdo on media but do keep up with media a few sides so you are well informed on several fronts – a well educated mind is a mind that knows how to digest new and good info from sources you trust as well as how to spit out the bones of sensationalism around election time on any given front – we are citizens of heaven (Phil 3:20). Keep your body fit and active to keep your own system running smoothly and your children’s if you’re a parent of kids. Don’t binge on alcohol or sweets but do enjoy treats as needed for mental health! Speak. Talk to your local health professionals if you need tips in your area and take time sit in prayer and to speak with God more and spend time in gratitude. Ask God what you can do to show others love today. Remember. Remember you have God’s power and not a spirit of timidity. Do not give in to fear. God wants us to live purposeful lives even if it is modified for pandemic reasons in personal or public ways. Rest, too. Remember your gifts and use them, even if you have to adjust, God has shown me some really cool things in this time and we’re still figuring things out as a family one day at a time! Pray. Pray for God’s lead in your life, pray with belief for His good plans no matter what. Pray for understandably already weary public school teachers and admin to have wisdom as they get ready to go back, especially older teachers or those with compromised immunity who are have a waiting list for online teaching and are there because it’s not yet time to retire. Pray for children heading back to school. Encourage them, too. They won’t forget your loving gestures and prayers. Pray for healthcare workers who are dealing with multiple new cases again and losses of dear patients, pray for the spouses and children of those people. Submit. Allow God to work in your life and world, to help you to shift as needed, to graciously give you wisdom for each day, James 1:5, His words to each of us may differ but we can still love one another all the same, we are a world church and a body of Christ, made up of interworking parts, so let’s each do our part well. Love Living Intentionally With You, Christa |