I used to work selling apartments. I loved it as a college student, but when I left my part time private practice and went back to it about ten years ago to put my husband through medical school, I thought it was kinda the worst, especially at the beginning. I had to adjust to being at work all the time, many times taking my toddlers to work with me while I sold apartments, had to get used to office politics which I had conveniently forgotten, and worst, to silly invisible “class differences,” since, though my paycheck was bigger in the apartment world at the time, I got way more respect in the psychological field.

However, many of the residents (I literally wrote clients first and had to delete…more on this in a moment) were super fun and many people showed respect despite the fact that a leasing agent job isn’t the most glorious. Some people are just nice people wherever they go… 

There was Sara the everyday sage from NYC, Adam who every day said he was, “Am-az-ing!” in a sing song voice, and Willy the maintenance man who, like most maintenance men I knew, said everyday was just another day in paradise.

When I quit (both times the job was for a season of schooling) my boss wisely said,“Why are you leaving to be a therapist? You do that here.”

As I reflect back, I see that the setting I work in has changed but the person I am in the work has always been me doing whatever it is I do. The same is true for you, largely.

In my current job, I don’t offer a safe place to live but give people a safe place emotionally. It’s not that different.

After realizing this, I now know that I would do whatever job I needed to do to provide for my family and find cool features of it.

So I’ve discovered numbers 9 and 10 on my Forty before 40 list! I hope they resonate with and encourage you also!

9. I no longer fear that the job I am doing won’t be reflective of the person I was created to be. When you’re young you always think you must do this or that job to reflect God’s giftedness in you. Now I realize that it emanates out of you, whatever you do.

What can you do to bring your personality more into your home or work life? Clothing, symbols on your desk, sharing your gift of truth, justice, caring, joy? Tuning into your favorite music or podcast in your earbuds as you walk the halls or deliver mail, do dishes?

Speaking of earbuds brings me to my tenth point. In NYC recently my girls and I noticed almost every single person there had earbuds as they briskly walked their commute and I thought how well I would fit in to the creative, active life in NYC.

However, I already live a creative, active life. I am who I am not only whatever I do but wherever I live, even if the lady in the Vans store did tell me that my life is Florida must be sooooo slow paced. “Um…no!” 🙂 But I do rest on and off as needed and listen to my body for cues!


10. Not only can I be happy in almost any job but I can be happy almost anywhere I go or live. It’s up to me, it’s up to you. Naturally, war zones are not fun nor are surgical procedures, (I’m not delusional). But in every situation, we can choose to release and portray a countenance that reflects trust in Him. For me it takes time with God to release, to focus, to reframe, to put on joy, to find small freedoms when I feel limited, and such…

So wherever you’re at today, whatever your goals, I know you will get there much more happily if you just remember today is ALREADY a blessed day to be your BEST you!

God bless in your week!

Love Living Intentionally With You, 


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